Energy & Utilities
The industry has been changing for decades. New technologies for (decentralized) generation, digitization, changing policy objectives and instruments (liberalization, nuclear energy exit, energy transition, ...) and new customer needs require that companies - both large and small, established and new providers, both public and private - in view of
eroding margins and increasing competition in this environment are looking for promising ways into the future.
For these reasons, more than ever before, energy companies need tailor-made and efficient control tools to be prepared for the challenges of the present as well as those that are still to be expected. As in any industry, the metrics and performance metrics are industry-specific, which is why it's imperative that we know your industry.
In numerous projects, we gained experience and details on efficient control approaches in the energy industry, get an idea of yourself.
Our expertise in Energy & Utilities:
International accounting IFRS
Development of planning models
Implementation of reporting and controlling systems
Project management for the adaptation of the SAP and IT systems